There are several choices to make when you think about changing your gutter. Aluminum or copper? Half round or K-style? Check out our styles below to see what we have to offer you. We offer free estimates so give us a call.
K-Style (OG)
We have 5" and 6" K-style continuous gutter machines and can take on any small or big jobs needed. These style of gutters are mostly used in conjunction with 2x3 or 3x4 rectangular downspouts and elbows, however, some homeowners prefer 3" or 4" round.
Half Round Gutter
Half Round guttering comes to us in 20' sections and has to be either caulked or soldered together when installing. Half round is most commonly used in 6" wide with 4" round downspouts and elbows, and in both copper or aluminum.
Conductor Heads
Conductor Heads, which have many names, are not only great for catching water in a large section and diverting it into one pipe, but also for decoration. We have over 30 styles we have made through the years to choose from on display in our shop. These are commonly fabricated in aluminum or copper.
Unless another request is made, we stand by our gutterguard installs by using our eco-guard material. It has a black finish and is used in both 5" and 6" gutters.